The Urbit Foundation's Grants program is one of our primary mechanisms for distributing address space to the creators and builders out there that help Urbit to succeed.
Read on to learn more about the various types of grants we issue, get started on your own grant, and view past and present grants that have been funded.
The Urbit Foundation provides three different kinds of grants. No matter what kind of grant you're working on, you'll receive lots of support from the Foundation and a helpful, enthusiastic community.
Proposals are for receiving funding for your project — we fund all kinds projects, not strictly technical ones, so don't hesitate to pitch your idea!
Submit a ProposalApprenticeships are practical learning opportunities for new Urbit developers provided by members of the Urbit community. They're one of the best ways to level up your skills, and often lead to full-time jobs.
Become an ApprenticeBounties are contracts for work provided by either the Urbit Foundation or from trusted partners in our ecosystem.
We believe that grants are more successful when tackled with the support of a community, and community starts with individual relationships.
Proposals are approved and stewarded by past grant workers
Bounties are overseen by those that post them
Apprenticeships are largely about building a relationship between apprentice and mentor
Whether you're gearing up to submit your proposal or just thinking about it, the best way to get started is to join the Foundation group on Urbit:
If you're not on the network, reach out to us at and we'll get back to you within a couple of days.