Here we've added one last card to on-poke
to stop the thread and a little extra to on-agent
to print things for demonstrative purposes.
/+ default-agent, dbug
=* card card:agent:gall
%- agent:dbug
^- agent:gall
|_ =bowl:gall
+* this .
def ~(. (default-agent this %|) bowl)
++ on-init on-init:def
++ on-save on-save:def
++ on-load on-load:def
++ on-poke
|= [=mark =vase]
^- (quip card _this)
?+ mark (on-poke:def mark vase)
?+ q.vase (on-poke:def mark vase)
(pair term term)
=/ tid `@ta`(cat 3 'thread_' (scot %uv (sham eny.bowl)))
=/ ta-now `@ta`(scot %da now.bowl)
=/ start-args [~ `tid byk.bowl(r da+now.bowl) p.q.vase !>(q.q.vase)]
:_ this
[%pass /thread/[ta-now] %agent [our.bowl %spider] %watch /thread-result/[tid]]
[%pass /thread/[ta-now] %agent [our.bowl %spider] %poke %spider-start !>(start-args)]
[%pass /thread/updates/[ta-now] %agent [our.bowl %spider] %watch /thread/[tid]/updates]
[%pass /thread-stop/[ta-now] %agent [our.bowl %spider] %poke %spider-stop !>([tid %.y])]
++ on-watch on-watch:def
++ on-leave on-leave:def
++ on-peek on-peek:def
++ on-agent
|= [=wire =sign:agent:gall]
^- (quip card _this)
?+ -.wire (on-agent:def wire sign)
?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
?~ p.sign
%- (slog leaf+"Thread started successfully" ~)
%- (slog leaf+"Thread failed to start" u.p.sign)
?+ p.cage.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
=/ err !< (pair term tang) q.cage.sign
%- (slog leaf+"Thread failed: {(trip p.err)}" q.err)
?: =(q.cage.sign *vase)
%- (slog leaf+"Thread cancelled nicely" ~)
=/ res (trip !<(term q.cage.sign))
%- (slog leaf+"Result: {res}" ~)
=/ msg !< tape q.cage.sign
%- (slog leaf+msg ~)
?+ -.sign (on-agent:def wire sign)
?~ p.sign
%- (slog leaf+"Thread cancelled successfully" ~)
%- (slog leaf+"Thread failed to stop" u.p.sign)
++ on-arvo on-arvo:def
++ on-fail on-fail:def
We've also added a sleep
to the thread to keep it running for demonstration.
/- spider
/+ *strandio
=, strand=strand:spider
^- thread:spider
|= arg=vase
=/ m (strand ,vase)
^- form:m
;< =path bind:m take-watch
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card [%give %fact ~[path] %update !>("message 1")])
;< ~ bind:m %- send-raw-cards
:~ [%give %fact ~[path] %update !>("message 2")]
[%give %fact ~[path] %update !>("message 3")]
[%give %fact ~[path] %update !>("message 4")]
;< ~ bind:m (send-raw-card [%give %kick ~[path] ~])
;< ~ bind:m (sleep ~m1)
|= strand-input:strand
?+ q.arg [~ %fail %not-foo ~]
[~ %done arg]
Save these, |commit
, and run with :thread-starter [%test-thread %foo]
. You should see:
Thread started successfully
message 1
message 2
message 3
message 4
Thread cancelled successfully
Thread cancelled nicely
Now, try changing the vase in our new card from !>([tid %.y])
to !>([tid %.n])
. Save, |commit
, and run again. You should see:
Thread started successfully
message 1
message 2
message 3
message 4
Thread cancelled successfully
Thread failed: cancelled
The card we've added to our agent:
[%pass /thread-stop/[ta-now] %agent [our.bowl %spider] %poke %spider-stop !>([tid %.y])]
...pokes spider with mark %spider-stop
and a vase containing the tid of the thread we want to stop and a ?
. The ?
specifies whether to end it nicely or not. If %.y
it will end with %thread-done
and a *vase
bunted vase. If %.n
it will end with %thread-fail
and a vase containing [term tang]
where term
is %cancelled
and tang
is ~
. You can see the difference in our tests above.